Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hi yesterday was Miranda last home game for Lacrosse they play Orem High.
the won the game it was 12 to 2 Miranda said that she thought that it was a clean
game meaning everyone was trying to play nice. No drama and or over reactions.
The only have 2 games left and there away games. She really has enjoyed this 
unite and the team spirit we got nice pix yesterday we post them later.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

I thought that I would let you all know what going on with our Missionary he is doing so
good he feels that the scripture are coming a live to him and that heavenly father is talking to
him though them. He is almost made it to the 1st month mark. He is so Awesome and we all miss
him a lot. I hope that picture will come soon, but knowing him and all the work he doing that he does'nt take the time to do it. I found this picture of a two Missionary and that will have to do for now. 

Friday, April 17, 2009

Michelle went on a field trip to a very fancy resturant its called LaCaile she
eat snails she said that it was so very gross. I think she loved her expreince
The dress up and everyone and everything was so fancy. She has gotten an
B in that this past term. She loves write Tony in French and he writes her
back in spanish that fun for them. We are doing good  just hope that spring
will spang soon. love ya Ginger

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter was a little different with Tony gone,but we sent him a nice package
the first one. He's loves fruit snacks so I empty a box into the package sent
Easter candy and homemade cookie he got the next day after I sent it won't
be like that in MEXICO.Will he seems to be doing good in the MTC. We have
not gotten pictures yet to up date our pix,but we will put them on when we

Monday, April 6, 2009

Miranda & her team won another game the score was 13/3 against Olympus. It was a way fun game. we loved watch them play. GO LADY WOLVES HURRAY RIVERTON!!!!!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Miranda, Is loving playing she shows us how to play and love the whole
adventure. She is loving her team mates and has so much fun. Yesterday
The had a game against lone peak High school and won. It is fun ,but there
are a lot of rules to learn. We love watch them play I know there a net and 
that either team can make a goal,but that what I know Michelle & John say
there understanding it.I think that I will put some pix of her playing the game

Miranda Lassrosse team won there game!!!!!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Thursday, April 2, 2009

We got our first 1st e-mail from Elder Pratt. I will hightlight what he said
He said that he can do these three things in spanish
1) he can pray
2) share his testimony
3) memorized the first vision
He said that what he learned in school is helping with the spanish.
He said that this past week has been the greatest and the hards week of his life
and that he is having good times with his district that they always keep him laughing.
That's the update for this week. love you all Missionary Mom Ginger